Keller Lectureship

Over the past 40 years, Jeffrey T. Keller, PhD has mentored scores of residents and fellows. His reach and influence span the globe. A consummate scholar and mentor to many, Dr. Keller maintains a distinguished legacy among graduates and his peers. In honor of Dr. Keller's commitment to resident education and academic collaboration, The Keller Lectureship Fund was established in 2011. The lectureship enhances resident and fellowship programs by supporting an invited lecturer of international stature in the field of skull base surgery and surgical anatomy. These lectures offer an opportunity for medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty to learn firsthand from renowned neurosurgeons. In addition, the Foundation has supported a hands-on laboratory training program.

Keller Lecturers

2023 Michael Chicoine, MD | view program >

2022 James K. Liu, MD | read more > | watch lectures >

2021 William Couldwell, MD, PhD | read more >

2020 Michael Link, MD | read more >

2019 Harry van Loveren, MD | watch lecture >

2017 Sébastien Froelich, MD | read more >

2016 Marcos S. Tatagiba, MD, PhD | watch lecture >

2015 Paolo Cappabianca, MD | read more >

2014 Robert Spetzler, MD | read more >

2013 Takashi Kawase, MD, PhD | read more >

2012 Albert Rhoton, MD | read more >