About us
The Mayfield Education & Research Foundation exists to advance the care of patients with brain and spine disorders through leading-edge education and research.
Our Leadership

Vincent DiNapoli, MD, PhD
Neurosurgeon, Chairman
Mayfield Clinic

Victor DiPilla
Vice President & Chief Business
Development Officer
The Christ Hospital

Laura Guggenheim
Senior Vice President Sales, NA
Procter & Gamble

Brian Gwyn
Mercy Health - Cincinnati

Jeffrey T. Keller, PhD
Research Professor of Neurosurgery, Emeritus
UC Department of Neurosurgery

Bryan Krueger, MD
Mayfield Clinic

James J. McGraw, Jr.
Keating, Muething & Klekamp PLL

Amy Murray
Corporate Director

Valerie Newell
Mariner Wealth Advisors, Cincinnati

Lauren R. Ostling, MD
Mayfield Clinic

Andrew J. Ringer, MD
Mayfield Clinic

Marla Santos Silliman
Senior Vice President/
Hospital Operations
Good Samaritan Region

Kevin Schuler, MD
Executive Medical Director, Peri-operative Services
Medical Director, Cancer Quality and Accreditation
St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Bradbury Skidmore, MD
Mayfield Clinic

Michael Stenger

William D. Tobler, MD
Chair, Neurosurgeon (Retired)
Mayfield Clinic

Deborah Livingston
Development Director
Mayfield Education & Research Foundation
- We will work to benefit the broader neurosciences community, to expand our knowledge, and to sustain a field that offers unlimited opportunity for research.
- We will focus on the development of human capital by funding leading-edge education and research initiatives.
- We will reward excellence and innovation. We will welcome opportunities to "fast track" research and projects that have difficulty gaining traction or funding at larger institutions or foundations. We will remain agile so that we can speed discovery and move ever forward.
- We will support the care of patients as administered by our partnering hospitals and affiliates. We will provide the resources our physicians and hospitals need to provide their patients with the highest quality care.
- We will seek to provide comfort and counsel to those suffering from neurological diseases and disorders. We will support and coordinate efforts by local hospitals, organizations, and programs to educate and promote greater neurological awareness and compassion.
- We will promote Cincinnati as an integrated community of caregivers, educators and researchers working collaboratively to advance the frontier of neuroscience.
Our Clinic
The Mayfield Education & Research Foundation is affiliated with Cincinnati-based Mayfield Brain & Spine, recognized as one of the world's leading organizations for neurosurgical treatment, education, and research. Supported by more than 20 specialists in neurosurgery, interventional neuroradiology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and pain management, Mayfield served more than 30,000 patients from 39 states in 2023.

Dr. Frank H. Mayfield
Independent of the Mayfield Clinic yet closely aligned with its mission and work, the Mayfield Education & Research Foundation seeks to promote continued collaboration among health care providers. We uphold the original vision of our founder, Dr. Frank H. Mayfield, that all hospitals—community and academic—should work together to further research and care for patients in the most effective, efficient, and compassionate manner.
The Mayfield Education & Research Foundation represents a unique opportunity for competing institutions to come together; though contenders in the delivery of care, we believe that education and research efforts can and should be shared.
The institutional diversity of the Mayfield Education & Research Foundation Board is designed to inspire vigorous debate. Decisions require a consensus of major institutional stakeholders.